In the event that you haven’t by any chance read the book The Help or seen the movie by the same name, then I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce both Silver Lining experiences to you! I am hopeful that you will enjoy them as much as I have!
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
The Peace of Wild Things
The Peace of Wild Things When despair grows in me and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.… Continue reading The Peace of Wild Things
Fashion SL's: Chance
This summer, I had the great good fortune to meet Julia Leach, founder and president of the new and magnificent company, Chance. Julia was kind enough to answer some of my musings, which made me all the more crazy about her and Chance (Silver Lining!).
Out of Clutter
There are innumerable fits and starts in this post-treatment period. I am learning and relearning things. Some lessons are easy breezy and others, not so much. I’m just glad that I have the opportunity to learn these lessons and to continue growing (Silver Lining).
Marine Layer
Summertime in Santa Barbara usually brings a marine layer of fog that sits over the coast and sometimes the entire community for most of the morning. This marine layer is formally known as marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL). It is a dense mass of cool, moist air which accumulates over the surface of large bodies of water… Continue reading Marine Layer
SL Book: Lift
I’ve found a wonderfully inspiring and motivational book written by one of my (new) favorite authors, Kelly Corrigan. Hope you enjoy this Silver Lining book as much as I do!
Impeccable Intuition
Intuition is something that I’ve believed in and tried to cultivate for a long time. Logic and reason are certainly effective tools for decision-making, but intuition is something altogether different that is incredibly powerful and feels almost magical.
I have used my intuition a lot over the years, both personally as well as professionally. I’ve always thought it was so cool and a Silver Lining in my life.
Last Sunday was my first day without emails and texts. I have to say that it was pretty great. So great, in fact, that I am joyfully continuing my new practice. I think it may create some space through which Silver Linings will come!
Poignant Poetry
I came across the following poem this week and it was another that said, “Here I am! Read me! Pay attention to me!”
Well, I did. And I hope that it has as deep an impact on you as it did on me (Silver Lining).
Fashion SL's: Dresses
Today’s Silver Lining fashion post is about my love of dresses. I love nothing more than wearing a dress for day or evening. A dress is one of the easiest things in my closet to wear because no matter what I wear with it, I feel pulled together.