Lovely Libraries

Libraries are one of my favorite places on earth.  Any type of library. Home library. Work library. Old fashioned libraries (from which one can actually check out books!). The smell of a library always lifts my spirits.  New or old, but especially the old ones with their peculiar combination of old stone, dust and woodworm.… Continue reading Lovely Libraries

SL Book: Anticancer: A New Way of Life

  A friend gave this book to me shortly after my FBC (F-bomb breast cancer) diagnosis.  I devoured it (pun intended!) immediately. In 1995, after undergoing chemotherapy and surgery for brain cancer, Servan-Schreiber, a clinical professor of psychiatry and neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, asked his oncologist if any lifestyle changes… Continue reading SL Book: Anticancer: A New Way of Life