Taking a Break from Technology

Taking a Break from Technology This weekend, I am excited – thrilled, actually – to be going to a program called “The Ranch 4.0” in Westlake Village, California. According to its website: this is a 4-day all-inclusive results oriented program intended to jump-start your fitness routine, healthy lifestyle and metabolism. Sounds great, right?  However, the way to… Continue reading Taking a Break from Technology

Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Surgery is scheduled at 7:00 am on Tuesday to exchange my expanders for implants. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m a nervous-Nelly about it. Intellectually, I know that it will be fine. That it will be so much easier than the last (horrendous!) experience. However, I contend with what I believe… Continue reading Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Buzz's Buzz and Chemo Coming

Yesterday was a rough, rough day.  To add insult to the already injurious Brookside, beloved Buzz had a big and brutal breakdown. He collapsed (yes, F-Bomb collapsed) four times on our hike.  FOUR.  In addition, he panted so heavily that I thought he was going to have a heart attack.  I’m not kidding. Seriously. FFS… Continue reading Buzz's Buzz and Chemo Coming