Why Practice Gratitude

Why Practice Gratitude? Recently, I came across a fantastic article articulating the top research-based reasons for practicing gratitude. Did you know that over the past decade, hundreds of studies have documented the social, physical, and psychological benefits of gratitude? Cool, right? An added Silver Lining is that these benefits are available to most anyone who practices gratitude,… Continue reading Why Practice Gratitude

Silver Linings and Gratitude

During this Thanksgiving week, I’ve been thinking about how Silver Linings go hand-in-hand with gratitude. Both look for (and find!) the positive in life. It’s the Half-full vs. Half-empty mentality. I love looking for Silver Linings and then feeling the gratitude for finding them. My Silver Lining philosophy has taught me to not take things for granted. Quite… Continue reading Silver Linings and Gratitude