Pulchritudinous Pink

As many of you know, I  go chemo to in an outfit that makes me feel good, happy and confident.  I have always put forth an effort to look my best, no matter how I feel, and chemo infusions are no exception. So, the outfits that I wear to chemo are chosen with care and… Continue reading Pulchritudinous Pink

A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo

Losing Hair After Chemo Because I seem to be the poster child for chemo side effects (i.e., ALL of them), it didn’t come as a complete shock to me that hair loss was next on the list. The second (or maybe the third or fourth) shoe has dropped… For the past 3+ years, I have… Continue reading A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo

Brookside Scheduling and Testing

Many people have asked questions about the timing of my chemo schedule and testing (thanks for caring and being interested!). So, I thought I’d lay it out for you to show you exactly what the plan is. May I diverge for a minute? Speaking of schedules (and schedule-keeping), I have to confess that the last… Continue reading Brookside Scheduling and Testing