Hot Flashes During Cancer Treatment At 3:30 (am!), the third one of the night has already hit: hot flashes. Though I knew it was only a matter of time (because chemotherapy for F-Bomb Breast Cancer puts women into menopause), I was holding out hope that I might actually avoid one side effect of chemo: hilacious… Continue reading Hilacious Hotness Hits: Hot Flashes During Cancer Treatment
Bill Moyers and Optimism
Recently, I had the great fortune to hear Bill Moyers speak as part of the extraordinary UCSB Arts and Lectures series. It had been a bad (BAD!) day. Feeling rotten and generally miserable. The last thing I wanted to do was get dressed and go out in public. However, I felt compelled to go to… Continue reading Bill Moyers and Optimism
Scarf Stares
I’ve come to accept my bald head. While I’m don’t exactly feel like “Bald is Beautiful” on me, I feel like “Bald ain’t so bad.” Every time something is taken away from me (my breasts, my hair, my dignity), I am more grateful for what I still do have, like a positive attitude. THAT is… Continue reading Scarf Stares
Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy
Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy Two days out from round two of intravenous TAC (Taxotere, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide) Chemotherapy. And I have a cold. OY. I sure could use just a little break. Even a teeny tiny one. I know that Silver Linings are lurking. Come on out, wherever you are! Oh, here’s one: I’m officially 1/3… Continue reading Complementary Therapies During Chemotherapy
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy – 2nd Round
Breast Cancer Chemotherapy – 2nd Round Good Morning, Chemo. Let’s go kick some FBC tush! …and one small favor: could you avoid nearly destroying me this time? This is my 2nd of 6 doses, meaning that I’m 1/3 of the way there. About my highest capacity for math, but I’ll take it! As you may… Continue reading Breast Cancer Chemotherapy – 2nd Round
A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo
Losing Hair After Chemo Because I seem to be the poster child for chemo side effects (i.e., ALL of them), it didn’t come as a complete shock to me that hair loss was next on the list. The second (or maybe the third or fourth) shoe has dropped… For the past 3+ years, I have… Continue reading A Very (Un)Hairy Situation: Losing Hair After Chemo
Mouth Mishegoss
Next up: Mucositis, a/k/a Mouth F-bomb Sores. I’m not kidding. I wish I were, but I’m not. Three months ago, even if I had tried really, really hard, I couldn’t have made up all of this S**T (pun intended and unintended). In case you are unfamiliar (why on earth WOULD you be familiar?), let me… Continue reading Mouth Mishegoss
Globe-Trotting FBC
This time yesterday, I was running (actually more like crawling) around the neighborhoods of Los Angeles looking for bathrooms, lavatories, powder rooms, restrooms, toilets, salle de bains, washrooms, and water closets. My only requirement: a solid flush. I was NOT picky. Last night, I spent the entire night on the floor of the hotel bathroom….did I mention that time and location… Continue reading Globe-Trotting FBC
I admit that I’m still obsessing about a potty. If you had been with me for even 20 minutes of this day (equivalent to about 7 stops), you would understand why. In my last post, I asked if someone would create an iPhone application to direct a desperate user to a toilette. Great news (SL):… Continue reading Commodes…Addendum
Commodes I Have Known
Today, The Husband and I are in LA for an appointment with my plastic surgeon (lady lumps still looking good, by the way!) and to do some FBC errands. Sounds nice, right? A little sleepover getaway. Could it possibly be that easy breezy? Naaaaaaaah. Not a chance. As you all may remember (or willfully have… Continue reading Commodes I Have Known