In terms of the Physical aspects of my New Year’s Intentions, I decided that I needed an athletic goal, one that would challenge me, but (hopefully!) not injure me. So my first thought was to run (another) Half Marathon, which equates to 13.1 miles. The last one that I ran was on the 1 year anniversary… Continue reading Ready to Run…a Half Marathon!
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Little Girl's Book Club
Sweetly Six’s “BunBun” at the Bookstore Tomorrow evening, Sweetly Six and I are attending our very first Little Girl’s book club where we will be discussing Ramona and Her Mother by Beverly Cleary. We are both so excited. A friend of ours put the group together by thoughtfully assembling five girlfriends who love to read. Sweetly… Continue reading Little Girl's Book Club
New Year's Intentions
I love new beginnings and a clean palette, which is probably why I love New Year’s Intentions so much. Note: I purposely did not use the word resolutions. Why? Well, there’s something about the word resolution. Even though I am a girl who finds Silver Linings (pretty much everywhere!), it seems as if many New Year’s resolutions are… Continue reading New Year's Intentions
Bookworm: My Last Supper
This Christmas, one of my dear friends gave me an absolutely wonderful and delightful book, My Last Supper. In the book, (the photographer and creator) Melanie Dunea asks famous chefs what their last meals would be. No, it’s not macabre (for the record, I love using that word!). Rather, it’s quite inspiring and amazingly beautiful.… Continue reading Bookworm: My Last Supper
Dreaming of Downton Abbey
Television is rarely of interest to me. I would always prefer to read a book. There are exceptions, however. One is the series 24, which ended (boo! hoo!) a couple of years ago. The other is Downton Abbey. I have to say that I am absolutely cuckoo about this show, in part because it was… Continue reading Dreaming of Downton Abbey
Bookworm: The Fault in our Stars by John Green
It’s been a long time since I’ve been blown away by a book. Well, it was worth the wait. The Fault in Our Stars is the kind of book that you don’t want to put down…and think about first thing in the morning…and artfully arrange the next possible moment when you can come back to it. A… Continue reading Bookworm: The Fault in our Stars by John Green
525,600 Minutes This Year
The lyrics of this song seem very timely on this, the last Sunday of 2012. How do you measure a year in your life? I hope with many Silver Linings.
Wishing You the Merriest
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Oh Christmas Tree…
One of my absolute favorite Silver Linings of this beautiful season is the Christmas trees. Small or large. Ornate or simple. Inside or outside. I love them all! Here are some of my favorites. Hope that they warm your heart as they do mine! Martha Stewart La Maison d’Anna G. Christmas in California Merry Christmas from… Continue reading Oh Christmas Tree…