Breast Cancer Pre-Surgery Care Package

Several times every week, people ask me: What can I do for my sister/mother/friend who is having a mastectomy? Enough people have asked that I thought I’d do a post on it and make suggestions for a pre-hospital care package that would be a major Silver Lining for your loved one before she goes into the hospital… Continue reading Breast Cancer Pre-Surgery Care Package

The New Girls in Town

For 3 days after my surgery, my new “breasts” (it still feels weird to call them that because they aren’t real breasts, so from here on out I’ll refer to them as “The Girls”) were wrapped up like mummies. Friday was the big “unveiling.” For the past year, our daughter, a/k/a Sweetly Six has been asking… Continue reading The New Girls in Town

Another Recovery Road

Hi Everyone!  I’m back!  Thanks to the HOTY for posting yesterday…and for taking such good care of me – AGAIN. Wowsy. Bowsy. Am I ever glad to be home and DONE with surgery! Major Silver Lining of the week! Thank you all so very much for thoughts, support…& your implant input!  I am deeply appreciative.  My… Continue reading Another Recovery Road

Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Surgery is scheduled at 7:00 am on Tuesday to exchange my expanders for implants. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m a nervous-Nelly about it. Intellectually, I know that it will be fine. That it will be so much easier than the last (horrendous!) experience. However, I contend with what I believe… Continue reading Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito