Sunday Snapshots: Hiking in Montecito

Surgery is scheduled at 7:00 am on Tuesday to exchange my expanders for implants. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’m a nervous-Nelly about it. Intellectually, I know that it will be fine. That it will be so much easier than the last (horrendous!) experience. However, I contend with what I believe to be the muscle memory of my lack of pain management and, well, plenty of other unmentionables after the double mastectomy and reconstruction.

One of my major coping mechanisms is hiking (Silver Lining). Hiking frees my mind and heart of tension and anxiety. So, as you can imagine, I am hiking often right now. Here are some of the images from today that brought me peace and joy. Hope they do for you!

Buzz was NOT happy when I came home smelling like this dog. As much as I wish I could take him, I can’t take a chance with his EIC. Sorry, Buzzy-Boo.

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

~Henry David Thoreau


  1. I was thinking of going on a hike today as it has been two months to the day since I too had a bilateral mastectomy and am enduring my expanders. Your pictures of the hike are beautiful! Even though I'm going through chemo, today I feel well enough to go on a hike and I am encouraged by reading your blog every will do fine even with those drains!!! Oh how we don't like the drains! It will be over soon! Thank-you for posting, it helps!

    1. You will be in my thoughts on Tuesday. Sending all my best intentions for a successful procedure and happy result! xxoo Laura

  2. I took a walk, alongside the Pacific Coast, with my family & dog, a day before my double mastectomy. It really made a big difference! My surgeon said that when I woke up after surgery, I said that I was taking a walk along the ocean. How could I have been that peaceful…

    I had immediate reconstruction, too. I've had the expanders in for almost five months now. I'll probably find out in the next few weeks when Phase II surgery will be, as well as my total hysterectomy. I didn't know what to say when my oncologist said that I have a 50% risk (& increases every year) of currently having ovarian cancer. The BRCA gene comes with a lot of baggage!-:)

    Thank you for sharing your stories along the way. Keep inspiring us!

    Good Luck with your upcoming surgery! For me, I'm so tired of sleeping night after night on my back!! But I look forward to a future of going braless!

    1. Thanks so much for your note, Sonya. Way to find the Silver Lining (going braless!). Please keep us posted on your surgeries and progress. Take good care!

  3. A prayer for you, Hollye,
    Deep peace of the running wave to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the shining starts to you.
    Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.

  4. Hope surgery goes well and the healing is painfree and fast! Tried "books on tape" recently through Audible and started with your recommended Council of Dads. Really a wonderful listen, as the author has a pleasant voice and is very credible.

  5. Hollye ~
    Best of luck to you in your upcoming surgery; try to keep your mind focused on all the lovely images that you have shared on your site, not to mention that sweet little six year old!

    As I look at the photos that you have taken on your hike, I am reminded of the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. These mountains are my favorite place to be… just be!

    Again, best of luck to you, and remember to visualize your hike; sooner than you can imagine, you'll be back to new!

  6. Wishing you all the very best for your surgery.
    I wish I had a few words to give you some comfort, just as you often do for me… a complete stranger, on the other side of the world.

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