Yesterday, someone asked me, “What does Silver Lining (SL) mean?” When I ask our 4 3/4 daughter what the phrase means, she replies, “It’s when something good comes out of something bad.” She sees SL’s with as much frequency as I do. For example, last night, I took a gigantic, narley splinter out of 4… Continue reading Silver Lining Morning
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Buzzing on the Trails
Despite feeling unusually putrid and looking even worse, Buzz and I hit the trail today with a girlfriend with high hopes that, at the very least, my nausea-filled spirits would be lifted. Success! There is something purely magical about being on a mountain. It’s the one place guaranteed to make me feel alive, awake and… Continue reading Buzzing on the Trails
The Year of the (Energizer) Bunny 1.1.11
Silver Lining Book: The Flâneur
A dear friend suggested the most beautiful image to incorporate into my post-chemotherapy slow-down (which was especially thoughtful knowing that slowing down usually isn’t in my repertoire!). Knowing how much I love Paris, she suggested that as I take my daily strolls, I envision being a Parisian flâneur and gave me the following book: Flâneurs,… Continue reading Silver Lining Book: The Flâneur
Brookside Loves "The King's Speech"
To get me out of my steroid-enhanced-hilacious day, The Husband and I went to see “The King’s Speech”. All I can say is WOW. Absolutely incredible. Certainly the epitome of a SL (silver lining) message that I needed so desperately today. The period set decoration and costumes are immaculately spot-on. The cinematography? Beyond. It definitely… Continue reading Brookside Loves "The King's Speech"
Silver Lining Seeking Attitude
A dear friend sent this quote to me. She happens to be going through an incredibly difficult and very sad time right now. We are ALL given challenges in this life that, at times, some seem insurmountable. We have specific choices about how we can handle the inevitable adversity in life. I choose positive. Where… Continue reading Silver Lining Seeking Attitude
Merry Merry
Dear Friends, I can’t think of a better time to thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your day to read BrooksideBuzz. Writing this blog has become part of my new life. I love and appreciate your comments. Google Analytics tells me that BrooksideBuzz has been visited over 8000 times… Continue reading Merry Merry
Brookside Movies: The Black Swan
The Husband and I went to see The Black Swan tonight. Date night. Been a long, long time since we have been to a movie. The film was an intense psychological thriller….at least that’s what it felt like to me. Natalie Portman was disturbingly brilliant. I did mention disturbing, right? She was also gorgeous and… Continue reading Brookside Movies: The Black Swan
Rainbows and Silver Linings
We’ve had a lot of rain lately, literally and psychologically. However, yesterday, a SL appeared in the form of a beautiful, magical rainbow, demonstrating that every cloud has a Silver Lining. And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow. -Gilbert K. Chesterton
Below is one of my favorite passages from Ralph Waldo Emerson. If ever there were a way to find SL’s in a day, it is by reading this definition of success. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure… Continue reading Success